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tidyplots (development version)

  • The package is still in early development. Expect user-facing and breaking changes.
  • New S3 class tidycolor for color schemes. The print method of tidycolor sends a html preview of the color scheme to the RStudio viewer panel.
  • New new_color_scheme() to create custom color schemes.
  • New build-in color schemes using the prefix colors_discrete_, colors_continuous_ and colors_diverging_.
  • adjust_colors() now also works with too few or too many provided colors.
  • New function factory behind adjust_x_axis() and adjust_y_axis()
  • Updated README and documentation.

tidyplots 0.0.2

  • The package is still in early development. Expect user-facing and breaking changes.
  • Renaming functions to improve consistency.

tidyplots 0.0.1

  • The package is still in early development. Expect user-facing and breaking changes.
  • Initial release.