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Split plot into multiple subplots


  ncol = NULL,
  nrow = NULL,
  byrow = NULL,
  guides = "collect",
  tag_level = NULL,
  design = NULL



A tidyplot generated with the function tidyplot().


Variable that should be used for splitting.

ncol, nrow

The number of columns and rows per page.


Analogous to byrow in matrix(). If FALSE the plots will be filled in in column-major order


A string specifying how guides should be treated in the layout. 'collect' will collect guides below to the given nesting level, removing duplicates. 'keep' will stop collection at this level and let guides be placed alongside their plot. auto will allow guides to be collected if a upper level tries, but place them alongside the plot if not. If you modify default guide "position" with theme(legend.position=...) while also collecting guides you must apply that change to the overall patchwork (see example).


A string ('keep' or 'new') to indicate how auto-tagging should behave. See plot_annotation().


Specification of the location of areas in the layout. Can either be specified as a text string or by concatenating calls to area() together. See the examples for further information on use.


A tidyplot object.


# Before splitting
energy |>
  dplyr::filter(year %in% c(2005, 2010, 2015, 2020)) |>
  tidyplot(y = energy, color = energy_source) |>
  add_donut() |>
  adjust_size(width = 25, height = 25)

# Split by year
energy |>
  dplyr::filter(year %in% c(2005, 2010, 2015, 2020)) |>
  tidyplot(y = energy, color = energy_source) |>
  add_donut() |>
  adjust_size(width = 25, height = 25) |>
  split_plot(by = year)
#>  split_plot: split into 4 plots across 1 page

# Change dimensions of subplots
energy |>
  dplyr::filter(year %in% c(2005, 2010, 2015, 2020)) |>
  tidyplot(y = energy, color = energy_source) |>
  add_donut() |>
  adjust_size(width = 15, height = 15) |>
  split_plot(by = year)
#>  split_plot: split into 4 plots across 1 page

# Spread plots across multiple pages
energy |>
  dplyr::filter(year %in% c(2005, 2010, 2015, 2020)) |>
  tidyplot(y = energy, color = energy_source) |>
  add_donut() |>
  adjust_size(width = 25, height = 25) |>
  split_plot(by = year, ncol = 2, nrow = 1)
#>  split_plot: split into 4 plots across 2 pages
#> [[1]]

#> [[2]]
