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Add statistical test


  padding_top = 0.15,
  method = "t_test",
  p.adjust.method = "none", = NULL,
  comparisons = NULL,
  label = "{format_p_value(p.adj, 0.0001)}",
  label.size = 7/,
  step.increase = 0.15,
  vjust = -0.25,
  bracket.nudge.y = 0.1,
  hide.ns = FALSE, = "panel",
  symnum.args = list(cutpoints = c(0, 0.001, 0.01, 0.05, Inf), symbols = c("***", "**",
    "*", "ns")),
  hide_info = FALSE,

  padding_top = 0.1,
  method = "t_test",
  p.adjust.method = "none", = NULL,
  comparisons = NULL,
  label = "p.adj.signif",
  label.size = 10/,
  step.increase = 0.2,
  vjust = 0.3,
  bracket.nudge.y = 0.15,
  hide.ns = TRUE, = "panel",
  symnum.args = list(cutpoints = c(0, 0.001, 0.01, 0.05, Inf), symbols = c("***", "**",
    "*", "ns")),
  hide_info = FALSE,



A tidyplot generated with the function tidyplot().


Extra padding above the data points to accommodate the statistical comparisons.


a character string indicating which method to be used for pairwise comparisons. Default is "t_test". Allowed methods include pairwise comparisons methods implemented in the rstatix R package. These methods are: "wilcox_test", "t_test", "sign_test", "dunn_test", "emmeans_test", "tukey_hsd", "games_howell_test".


method for adjusting p values (see p.adjust). Has impact only in a situation, where multiple pairwise tests are performed; or when there are multiple grouping variables. Ignored when the specified method is "tukey_hsd" or "games_howell_test" because they come with internal p adjustment method. Allowed values include "holm", "hochberg", "hommel", "bonferroni", "BH", "BY", "fdr", "none". If you don't want to adjust the p value (not recommended), use p.adjust.method = "none".

a character string or a numeric value specifying the reference group. If specified, for a given grouping variable, each of the group levels will be compared to the reference group (i.e. control group). can be also "all". In this case, each of the grouping variable levels is compared to all (i.e. basemean).

Allowed values can be:

  • numeric value: specifying the rank of the reference group. For example, use = 1 when the first group is the reference; use = 2 when the second group is the reference, and so on. This works for all situations, including i) when comparisons are performed between x-axis groups and ii) when comparisons are performed between legend groups.

  • character value: For example, you can use = "ctrl" instead of using the numeric rank value of the "ctrl" group.

  • "all": In this case, each of the grouping variable levels is compared to all (i.e. basemean).


A list of length-2 vectors. The entries in the vector are 2 integers that correspond to the index of the groups of interest, to be compared.


character string specifying label. Can be:

  • the column containing the label (e.g.: label = "p" or label = "p.adj"), where p is the p-value. Other possible values are "p.signif", "p.adj.signif", "p.format", "p.adj.format".

  • an expression that can be formatted by the glue() package. For example, when specifying label = "Wilcoxon, p = \{p\}", the expression {p} will be replaced by its value.

  • a combination of plotmath expressions and glue expressions. You may want some of the statistical parameter in italic; for example:label = "Wilcoxon, italic(p)= {p}"



change the size of the label text


numeric vector with the increase in fraction of total height for every additional comparison to minimize overlap.


move the text up or down relative to the bracket.


Vertical adjustment to nudge brackets by (in fraction of the total height). Useful to move up or move down the bracket. If positive value, brackets will be moved up; if negative value, brackets are moved down.


can be logical value (TRUE or FALSE) or a character vector ("p.adj" or "p").

possible value is one of c("group", "panel"). Default is "group": for a grouped data, if pairwise test is performed, then the p-values are adjusted for each group level independently. P-values are adjusted by panel when = "panel".


a list of arguments to pass to the function symnum for symbolic number coding of p-values. For example, symnum.args <- list(cutpoints = c(0, 0.0001, 0.001, 0.01, 0.05, Inf), symbols = c("****", "***", "**", "*", "ns")).

In other words, we use the following convention for symbols indicating statistical significance:

  • ns: p > 0.05

  • *: p <= 0.05

  • **: p <= 0.01

  • ***: p <= 0.001

  • ****: p <= 0.0001


Whether to hide details about the statistical testing as caption. Defaults to FALSE.


Arguments passed on to ggpubr::geom_pwc().


A tidyplot object.


  • add_test_pvalue() and add_test_asterisks() use ggpubr::geom_pwc(). Check there for additional arguments.


study |>
  tidyplot(x = dose, y = score, color = group) |>
  add_mean_dash() |>
  add_sem_errorbar() |>
  add_data_points() |>

# Change stat methods
study |>
  tidyplot(x = dose, y = score, color = group) |>
  add_mean_dash() |>
  add_sem_errorbar() |>
  add_data_points() |>
  add_test_pvalue(method = "wilcoxon", p.adjust.method = "BH")

# Define reference group to test against
study |>
  tidyplot(x = treatment, y = score, color = treatment) |>
  add_mean_dash() |>
  add_sem_errorbar() |>
  add_data_points() |>
  add_test_pvalue( = 1)

# Define selected comparisons
study |>
  tidyplot(x = treatment, y = score, color = treatment) |>
  add_mean_dash() |>
  add_sem_errorbar() |>
  add_data_points() |>
  add_test_pvalue(comparisons = list(c(1,3),c(2,4)))

# Define selected comparisons
study |>
  tidyplot(x = treatment, y = score, color = treatment) |>
  add_mean_dash() |>
  add_sem_errorbar() |>
  add_data_points() |>
  add_test_asterisks(comparisons = list(c(1,4),c(2,3)))

# hide non-significant p values
gene_expression |>
  # filter to one gene
  dplyr::filter(external_gene_name == "Apol6") |>
  # start plotting
  tidyplot(x = condition, y = expression, color = sample_type) |>
  add_mean_dash() |>
  add_sem_errorbar() |>
  add_data_points() |>
  add_test_pvalue(hide.ns = TRUE)

# Adjust top padding for statistical comparisons
study |>
  tidyplot(x = treatment, y = score, color = treatment) |>
  add_mean_dash() |>
  add_sem_errorbar() |>
  add_data_points() |>
  add_test_pvalue(padding_top = 0.08)

# Hide stats information
study |>
  tidyplot(x = dose, y = score, color = group) |>
  add_mean_dash() |>
  add_sem_errorbar() |>
  add_data_points() |>
  add_test_pvalue(hide_info = TRUE)